
Jan 5, 2007

Meeting Alan Leong Again

Met with Alan Leong along with my teammates and Charles Mok. The discussion went well. It seems Alan made use of the visit to practice his pitch that he is serious about the election and that if elected, he can execute as a CE.

I agree much with the basic fact that there is no reason why Alan should be considered to be significantly inapt for the job compared with Donald. After all, as Alan mentioned, Donald’s experience is at best 2 more years than his. And, perhaps more importantly, we are selecting a CE not an AO.

We also focused a lot of the discussion on the IT policies from Alan. Alan reiterated that he has added in the emphasis on bridging the digital divide in his policies since we met with him last time. While we explained our perspectives with regards to IT policies in HK. We explained our views in 3 levels: at an industry and external level, on a city or internal level, and on the professional level. And gave thoughts on specific initiatives respectively: National recognition of Hong Kong IT companies (especially for SME) in mainland China; City-wide Wifi deployment and supportive licensing and legislature for a free and fair industry; and the elevation of professional status, including reasonable accreditation for IT professionals.

These culminate to our vision of establishing IT as the fifth pillar industry for Hong Kong.

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